The Easter term this year saw the election of new officers for Manor Hall's Junior Common Room Committee. After a tremendously successful Welcome Week, the Junior Common Room Committee, and current residents in Manor Hall, voted and elected five first-year students to join them on the committee. The newly elected students will be joining the committee in time for the preparation of Manor Hall's first formal event of the year this Friday.
This is an excellent opportunity as it allows current residents to become heavily involved in the hall right from the start.
The new officers for 2015/16 are:
Presidents: Hakeem Kushoro and Tom Phillips
Vice President: Chibueze Ukachi
International Reps: Srish Nair and Sean Harvey
Treasurer: Sabine Rannio
Tech Rep: Nicholas Chedgey
Sports Rep: Alice McGill
Entertainment Reps: Clair Hargreaves and Michael Sheridan-Warburton
Archivist: Samya Sarfaraz
First Year Rep: Lucy Dayer
This year the committee has two joint presidents, with one residing in Manor Hall and one living outside for second year. We are hoping that this will encourage participation and nostalgic spirit from current students at the university who resided here previously.
As always, the MHA wishes them the best of luck in their new roles and is excited to work with them closely over the upcoming year.
To hear more from the committee, or to ask further questions, you can contact them via the JCR's email: