A message from our Chairman
Joining the Manor Hall Association is an ideal way to show your continued support for Manor Hall. We use membership subscriptions to keep the Association ticking over and to put on a wide range of events for alumni and current residents alike.
We hope that your time in Manor Hall was as special as it was for our other members and that you'd like to join to keep that Manor Hall community spirit alive long after your time there has ended.
Benefits of Membership

Current Residents
As a current resident of Manor Hall or its annexes you will be invited to all of our events throughout your time in hall. Many of these will be free or have a nominal cost that we donate to charities associated with Manor Hall.
Of course we'd still encourage you to become full members of the Association to continue this connection with Manor Hall long after you have left. Our events see alumni of all ages come together to share in that special sense of community that is unique to Manor Hall.

I want to become a member, sign me up!
Becoming a member is easy and doesn't break the bank at just £5 a year paid by Direct Debit.
Signing up is simply a case of completing a Direct Debit Instruction with our partners at GoCardless using the link below. Payment is taken annually, and you can of course cancel at any time should you wish!
If you don't think membership is for you, there are many other ways you can support us.