Elton House Award Recipients

Walter Ryan
JCR Committee
Walter was a member of the JCR Committee. He provided tireless support and help to the committee and with tech for movie nights, quizzes, karaoke and the Manor Hall Amateur Dramatics productions.

Joshua Buxton
Senior Resident
Josh came to Manor Hall in 2017 as a Senior Resident to read for a masters in Climate Change Science and Policy. In his role as a Senior Resident he worked with the JCR Committee and over the course of the year has given outstanding support to them and the wider Manor Hall community. Those who nominated him said he continually went above and beyond his role as Senior Resident to make this years JCR a success.

Bilal Kazi
Computer Science
Bilal arrived at Manor Hall in 2015 as an undergraduate. He served at JCR International Representative in 2016-2017 before becoming JCR President in 2017. He has been a dedicated member of the Hall, working hard on the JCR and also to represent the interests of Manor Hall within the Pastoral Review.

Robert Worboys
Senior Resident
Robert first came to Manor Hall in 2015 as a Senior Resident, in this role he has had responsibility for the Manor Hall Amateur Dramatics Society and it is his efforts in this regard that lead to the vast majority of his nominations. It is often easy to overlook the role that the Senior Residents play in the life of the Hall as if things are running according to plan they often fall to the background; however, they play a vital role not just in the essential pastoral support they provide but also by acting as the catalyst to spark the Manor Hall Community year on year. Robert has been an excellent Senior Resident and his efforts have not only ensured the continuation of Manor’s proud tradition in music and drama but also that all residents get the most out of their time in Hall.

Michael Sheridan-Warburton
Michael was the President of the Junior Common Room for the 2016/17 session of the University and it was his efforts in this role that lead to him receiving a large number of nominations. It was noted by those who nominated him that he was an excellent leader of what was an excellent JCR Committee. Michael was always an engaging President, encouraging all current residents to get involved in the life of the Hall. His three formals were always well attended, thoroughly enjoyed and a credit to both him and his Committee. We hope that the award serves as a small token of thanks on behalf of those he was elected to serve.

Chris Mayo
Senior Resident
Chris came to Manor Hall as a Senior Resident in 2014. As one of the Senior Residents with responsibility for the JCR he was a constant source of counsel and advice, in which no small part helped the 2015/16 JCR become one of the most effective the Hall has seen for some years. Chris received nominations from the whole spectrum of the Manor Hall community which perfectly illustrates how far his efforts have gone in making Manor such a special place to live. Thanks to his tireless endeavours, future JCRs have a very firm foundation on which to build.

Tom Phillips
Physics and Philosophy
Tom came to Manor Hall in 2014 to read Physics and Philosophy. Since his arrival he has been constantly involved in the life of the Hall. In his first year, he was elected as Entertainments Rep for the JCR and subsequently was appointed JCR Co-President in the Easter Term, becoming one of the first holders of this office to live outside of the Hall. It is in this role that has led to praise from his peers and ultimately this award for an ambitious and varied JCR calendar, increasing its influence in the Hall and laying the foundation for a strong JCR in years to come. He introduced the Debating Society, supported the new Manor Hall Choir and, at the end of his tenure, secured funding for a new electric organ in the Great Hall.

Ashraf Juanda
Accounting & Finance
Ashraf first came to Manor Hall in 2012 as an undergraduate to read for a degree in Accounting & Finance, which was conferred upon him by the University this year. Throughout his time at the University he has played an active role in the life of the hall, sitting on the JCR Committee last year and being a constant source of help and support to this year’s Committee. Besides from his efforts towards the JCR, Ashraf has also played in a key role in MAD over the last year, not least in his role as conductor for their Disney Cabaret. For his three years at the University Ashraf has been one of the most dependable individuals in the Manor Hall Community and he is a truly worth recipient of the Elton House Award.

Joel Bagley
Joel first came to Manor Hall in 2013 as an undergraduate reading Geology; before returning in 2014 as a Senior Resident. It is his efforts in his role as Senior Resident with responsibility for the bar that have made him stand out as being an instrumental member of hall life over the last year. In recent years management of the hall bars handled centrally by the University and as such the Bar Senior Resident has the unenviable task of ensuring the bar runs smoothly; having to liaise with the university to arrange things like late licences, stock and all the other day-to-day aspects that make the bar function. In this role he has lead the bar to one of its most financially successful years.

Kane Walpole
English & Classical Studies
Kane first came to Manor Hall in 2012 to read for English & Classical Studies. Since arriving in Hall he has been activitely involved in the life of Manor Amateur Dramatics (MAD) and his efforts in getting this off the ground so spectatularly after the Hall being closed for a year for refurbishment works is what lead to him being nominated and ultimately winning the 2014 Elton House Award. MAD plays an integral role in the life of the Hall and it is where many Manor residents get their first real taste of the community that everyone seems to wax lyrical about and it is for Kane's efforts both on productions and the MAD Committee itself that in the opinion of the Awards Committee made him such a worthy recipient of this year's second Elton House Award.

Isobel Shaw
Isobel first came to Manor Hall in 2012 to read Biochemistry. Her first year saw Manor undergo its most extensive refurbishment work since it first opened in 1932 and as such things were a little disjointed seeing Clifton Hill House play host for most of the Hall's social activities. Isobel was elected President of the Junior Common Room for the 2013/14 year and had the unenviable task of trying to refoster the Manor community spirit in a Hall that she'd never actually been resident in before. Her efforts and those of her committee saw her nominated to receive the Elton House Award, in the opinion of the Awards Committee this was eminently well deserved!

Richard Buxton
Rich first came to Manor in 2011 and has served as Secretary both on the Junior Common Room Committee and this year, the Association itself. His greatest contribution, however, has been his devoted work towards Manor Amateur Dramatics. He was instrumental in the success of the most recent performances of ‘And Then There Were None’ and ‘Road’ and is producing this years production of ‘Mostellaria’. With this award we recognise, celebrate and thank his loyalty and hard-work for the Hall and its members. Congratulations Rich.

Philip McMahon
Computer Science
Philip has being an asset to the hall ever since he arrived in 2010. In his first year he was involved with the environmental action group in the hall. His love of technical equipment meant he became JCR Tech Rep at the end of his first year, under the Presidency of Henry Mohanraj. He has also been involved with the technical side of Manor Amateur Dramatics (MAD) productions, taking over the role of Keith Upton, a previous recipient of the EHA. Philip has shown great dedication to all aspects of JCR events, often being the last there tidying up even though he lived out of Manor for the year and it was a few miles to get home! The MHA looks forward to his continued involvement in the hall.

Howard Chan
Howard arrived at Tottenham Place, Manor Hall and the University from Hong Kong in 2011. From the start, he was very keen to get involved with hall life as much as possible. He is a very popular and hard-working student. He was elected JCR President in May 2012, the first International Student to be elected to the position in many years. The MHA wishes that his year as JCR President goes well in this difficult year with the main building being closed and that he lives up to the award he has been given!

Catherine Byrne
Catherine arrived at Manor Hall in 2008. She enjoyed her time at Manor, so decided to return for her second year and take the position of JCR Secretary. After a difficult year, in which she contributed greatly to the JCR and hall life, she decided to stay on in Manor Hall for her final year. She provided support for many other students during that time. After receiving the Elton House Award and finishing her Law degree she was appointed a Senior Resident at Manor House, one of the annexes of Manor Hall. She was very proactive as a Senior Resident and she continued with that position until finding employment in the Spring of 2012 meant she had to move away from Bristol.

Keith Upton
Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Keith received the Elton House Award at the end of his four years at Bristol. Keith has been involved with the technical side of every Manor Amateur Dramatics (MAD) production since he first arrived at the hall in 2007. After living in Manor Hall for his first year he returned for his second year as JCR Tech Rep, a CU leader and helping with MAD productions. His initiative and reliability made him a very important asset to the hall. Keith graduated with a first in July 2011.

Peter Sirl
Peter received the Elton House Award at the end of his second year at Manor Hall. After being in Manor Hall for his first year, Peter gained the position of JCR Vice President under Rory Brennan as President. Peter was instrumental to the team. He worked very hard with the JCR Committee to make 2009/10 a successful year for the JCR, putting on many wonderful formals and other events. After winning the award, Peter stayed on at Manor for his third year, where he helped out with the hall Charity Committee. He helped organise many successful events, raising many hundreds of pounds for the hall charities. Peter continued on in hall as a Senior Resident for 2011/12 while he was studying for a Masters Degree at the university, again helping the Charity Committee as it's Tutor and being a valuable part of the Senior Resident team.

David Ip
Electronic & Communications Engineering
During his time in Hall David was actively involved in the community life that makes Manor such a special place to live. The committee recieved a record number of nominations for the Elton House Award during the 2009/10 academic year, with David recieving a clear majority. This illustrated to the Awards Committee that his peers held him in high esteem, and after all this is what the Elton House Award seeks to recognise.
David has served on numerous JCR Committees as both Secretary and later as an Officer without portfolio, such was his willingness to remain active in the life of the Hall, he held the former position during his second year when he was resident in the Hall itself. He has also played an influential role in the Hall's Charity Committee; acting as its chairman and during his tenure he oversaw charitable donations in excess of £2,000, which is a credit to his hard work and that of his committee. In later years David went on to become a Tutor a role in which he continued his involvement with the Charity Committee as well as the Hall's Computer Room.

Andrew Franks
Aeronautical Engineering
Andrew, along with Claudia, was the first recipient of the newly established Elton House Award. He arrived at Manor Hall in 2006 to read Aeronautical Engineering. Andrew returned to the Hall for his second and third years, serving on the JCR as Archivist and as Bar Treasurer respectively and was also heavily involved in the planning for the 75th Anniversary of the Hall in 2009. He was also active in the Hall's Christian Union. Since graduation, he has taken on a Senior Resident position until 2014, and has sat in various positions in the Association, including Chairman from 2010 - 2013. He continues today as Secretary and also as a Convocation Representative on Court.

Claudia Dougall
Claudia, along with Andrew was the first recipient of the Elton House Award. Claudia received the award at the end of her first year, shortly after becoming one of the CU leaders. She worked tirelessly behind the scenes to build up the Manor Hall community and gained the respect of many of her peers. Her service continued in the 2008/9 academic year as she returned to Manor Hall for her second year.